VRABE Regional Adult Based Education

Helpful Links

Here you’ll find websites that pertain to VRABE’s continuing education and training programs.

Credit Diploma

English as a Second Language

Family Learning Program

  • Parenting: Babies and Toddlers - Articles and forums related to child rearing
  • Wonderopolis - Nurtures the sense of wonder inside everyone and explores questions using activities and games (e.g., “Why are flamingos pink?”, “How hot is the sun?”, “What games do children play in other countries?”)


  • GED Live Math Videos - GED® math video tutorials that are correlated to the Steck-Vaughn Complete Test Preparation for the 2014 GED®. Click on one of the blue boxes on the left (labeled Steck-Vaughn) and that will bring you to a Word document that has links to the math skills in the Steck-Vaughn book. Only those math skills that are difficult to teach and learn have video links listed on the Word document.
  • GED® Test on Computer Tutorial - Tutorial on how to take the GED® test
  • GED® Testing Service - Description of current testing program
  • Khanacademy - Over 3900 videos (mostly 10 minutes long) covering K—12 math, biology, chemistry, physics, finance and history
  • Learn Zillion - Teacher-crafted resources for grades 2-12, made directly from the standards




Community Resources

Career Pathways/College Transitions

  • Best Scholarship Search Platforms of 2017 - A guide to review the best scholarship search platforms and instruct students on how to use them effectively to find as many opportunities as possible.
  • Do you know how to plan for college? - This website will help you with career planning, college selection and the application process. We will also suggest ways to find money to pay for college, and direct you to resources to help you prepare for college-level work. We have divided this website into five individual topics, or “units,” listed at left. Click on one of the units for more information on that topic. Each unit also includes worksheets for you to print and fill out. You don’t have to go through the units in any particular order, but it’s probably best if you start with Career Planning and then make your way through Applying to College, Financial Planning, and Academic Skills, finishing up with Resources.
  • Online College in CT - Explore the growing number of online graduate, undergraduate, and certificate programs that exist in the state.
  • Online Colleges - Provides students the resources they need to succeed in an online college